HPV Bumps on Tongue - Surya Dental Care
Human papillomavirus (HPV) is commonly linked to skin growths, but many are unaware that it can also affect the tongue and oral cavity. While oral HPV infections often resolve on their own, persistent infections may lead to the development of bumps on the tongue, particularly at the back of the tongue, tonsils, or roof of the mouth. This blog explores HPV bumps on the tongue , how HPV spreads to the tongue, the causes behind the bumps, and their potential impact on overall health. How Does HPV Spread to the Tongue? HPV primarily spreads through skin-to-skin contact and mucosal surfaces, most commonly through sexual activity. Below are the primary ways in which HPV can spread to your tongue: Oral sex with someone infected with genital HPV can transmit the virus to the mouth, leading to HPV in mouth and causes HPV bumps on the tongue or other areas of the oral cavity. HPV can also spread indirectly through items that come into contact with infected areas. What Causes HPV Bumps on the B