what does it mean when gums are black?

Not all healthy gum tissue is pink. Similar to skin tone, gum color varies from person to person. Some other things, such as tobacco usage or adverse drug reactions, can also cause dark patches on the gums. Though very dark gums don’t always indicate a problem with your dental health, you should still consult your dentist if you’re interested in cosmetic treatments for them. Gum tissue contains melanin, the dark pigment that gives skin its color. The gums naturally darken due to this pigment. The mouth’s color might vary uniformly or in patches, and it can affect one or both sides. Gum melanin pigmentation is normal, and there’s no need for therapy. It is advised to contact a dentist if the darkening of the gums is not inherited as it may be an indication of an oral illness. Periodontal disease, which affects the gums and surrounding tissues, is a common occurrence. Gingivitis and other periodontal disorders are typically manageable with appropriate dental care and good hygiene. Necrot...